Middle School Councils and Clubs
Leadership and followership are both essential skills for our students to learn and practice in order to be contributing members of our school, local, and global communities as well as agents of change. To this end, there are multiple opportunities for our MS students to sharpen and hone these skills. In the classroom, St. Anne’s students collaborate and cooperate, working in groups, and the playing field, St. Anne’s athletes work together and complete as part of a team.
St. Anne’s students also have opportunities to improve these important skills as part of a council or club. We are excited that the list of councils and clubs has expanded this year as we work to offer organizations that meet the many interests of our students.
We have eight (8) different MS councils and clubs that offer students a way to engage in the school community to improve their leadership and followership skills as well as to be agents of change. Some have been part of the middle school for many years - the Student Council and Diversity Council. Some have been part of the MS for a few years - the Chapel Council and Tech Team. And a few are brand new this year - the Spanish Club, Pre-school Wilderness Club, and Environmental Stewardship Club.
During the Council and Club Presentation at the beginning of the year, each of the clubs was spoken described, the mission and purpose were shared, and every student had the opportunity to learn more by visiting with the faculty sponsor. Afterward, students were surveyed about their interests in each of the councils/clubs so that a meeting schedule can be developed.