Student Health Forms
Please read through the following drop down menus to complete and submit all required medical forms before the start of the school year.
A couple key points to make it as easy as possible:
- All students must submit both an Emergency Card and the Delaware Student Health Forms.
- A health appraisal or physical from your doctor can also be substituted for the Delaware Student Health forms, but please make sure vaccination, physical examination, and lead testing records are included. Submitted physicals should be the most current (within the last 2 years).
- DIAA forms are only required for 6-8th graders who will be playing afterschool athletics.
- Please include Action Care Plans when attaching forms for students with Emergency Medicines such as inhalers, epipens, seizure medicines, etc.
- Student who will self carry an inhaler must complete the Self Carry Contract in addition to their action plan.
- The Form will only allow you to submit when all the required fields have been satisfied. Please make sure to have all forms ready before submitting!
- How to Turn in Medical Forms (Please Read First!)
- Emergency Card (REQUIRED - ALL Grades)
- Delaware Student Health Forms (REQUIRED - ALL Grades)
- DIAA Athletic Physical Forms (REQUIRED for Sports - 6th/7th/8th Grade)
- Medications
- Allergies/Anaphylaxis Emergency Action Plans
- Asthma
- Other Medical Concerns